Our Values
To be the undisputed leader in our markets, recognised for setting the technical, quality, safety and performance standards in our industry and enhancing all our customers’ success.
For many years, ENEX Group has lived by a set of core values that define who we are, what we do, shape our behaviour and set us apart from others in the industry. We have created a vision statement to articulate our purpose and succinctly communicate our strategic path. Our core values reflect our commitment to quality, reliability and most importantly safety, to enhance our customers success.ENEX Group of Today
Today, ENEX Group is fuelled by the motivation to enhance the safety culture throughout our specialist industry in the areas of product design and operating safety awareness. We are a safety driven provider of design, engineering, manufacturing and global site services in our specialist industry.
– Quality
ENEX Group believes that its customers deserve high quality, reliable and safe equipment with excellent site services and customer support.
Our aim is to continually improve the service we provide to meet our clients’ requirements, to provide equipment and services that are of the highest quality and the safest available, and ones which we can all be proud of. To achieve this, we implement and maintain a management system that complies with the international standard of good practice BS EN ISO 9001, this also includes a commitment to meet the requirements of our clients, as well as legal and regulatory requirements.
All personnel within the company are responsible for the quality of their work and ENEX Group provides established systems and training to assist all personnel in achieving the standards required. The quality chain must be reliable and continue to improve, with the core principle of maintaining an excellent reputation with our clients, suppliers and employees which is essential for the continued existence and success of our company.
All work scope is carried out in accordance with our clients’ requirements, quality standards and in a safe and efficient manner, in order to guarantee customer satisfaction. In addition, we aim to build a mutually profitable relationship with our clients, whilst ensuring their long-term success by clearly understanding their needs.
– Sustainability
For ENEX Group to develop and continually improve our sustainability performance we must engage our supply chain. In order to do this we:
- work to ensure that our suppliers treat their people fairly and with respect and that there is a culture of equality and equity
- wherever possible, employ local people and procure local produce and encourage our suppliers to do the same
- encourage and influence suppliers to investigate the environmental impact, including resource use, waste, energy and climate change, of their business process or product and then to adopt practices that reduce that impact, and
- asses the Health and Safety systems of our suppliers and monitor their compliance with our requirements.
We will engage our supply chain in sustainability by:
- using sustainability criteria, where appropriate, in the award of contracts
- requiring, where possible, that potential suppliers submit prices for alternative more sustainable products
- ensuring that any alternatives are given due cost benefit consideration prior to award
- informing our customers of more sustainable alternatives
- encouraging the assessment and monitoring of our suppliers’ supply chain to ensure that their sustainability risks, including Health and Safety, ethical, environmental, social and economic impacts are understood and managed, and
- ensuring that we deal with all our suppliers and potential suppliers fairly and ethically and in accordance with our procurement policy.
– Environmental
ENEX Group Ltd recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.
Policy Aims
We endeavour to:
- Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
- Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
- Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
- Increase employee awareness and training.
– Paper
We will minimise the use of paper in the office.
We will reduce packaging as much as possible.
We will seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products.
We will reuse and recycle all paper where possible.
– Energy and Water
Lights and electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use.
Heating will be adjusted with energy consumption in mind.
The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing.
– Office Supplies
We will seek to buy more environmentally friendly and efficient products.
We will reuse and recycle everything we are able to.
– Transportation
We will (as far as practical) reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only.
We will promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or video/phone conferencing.
We will use the ‘green’ vehicles wherever possible and maintain them rigorously.
– Maintenance and Cleaning
We will continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
We will continually seek to reduce environmental impacts.
Cleaning materials will be as environmentally friendly as possible.
– Culture
We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance.
We will update this policy at least annually in consultation with staff where necessary.
We will work with suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance.
– Waste
In the interest of good environmental management ENEX Group Ltd actively seeks to limit any potential negative impact that its business activities may have on the environment and accepts its corporate responsibilities in contributing towards environmental improvement.
ENEX Group is working towards the British Standard ISO 14001 accreditation (completion will take place during 2015) for its Environmental Management System demonstrating its commitment to environmental responsibility, including waste recycling issues, for many years.
Accordingly, through the Waste Minimisation Policy and related objectives, ENEX Group will :
- Comply with legislation covering disposal of hazardous waste such as batteries, printer cartridges and WEEE etc.
- Promote economic use of office paper and printer cartridges by encouraging staff to use email facilities, to re-use paper where possible, to avoid unnecessary printing and to use double-sided printing formats.
- Adopt paper-free billing options wherever possible.
- Minimise waste by encouraging inter-departmental exchange and re-use of equipment and materials where viable.
- Where possible purchase recycled or sustainable products and those which, in turn, can be recycled.
- Provide segregated recycling bins throughout its premises for cans, paper, plastic, glass and cardboard.
- Where practical make arrangements to donate obsolete equipment such as computers, mobile phones etc. to benefit charity.
- Promote awareness of the Waste Minimisation Policy amongst employees, sustaining current effective procedures and encouraging good practice in additional areas.
- Measure and report on activities and progress on targets.
- We will review the Waste Minimisation Policy on a regular basis to incorporate all new regulations, initiatives and technologies.